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Abdominoplasty in Turkey - flat stomach, new attitude to life!

Abdominoplasty in Turkey - flat stomach, new attitude to life!

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Abdominoplasty in Turkey - flat stomach, new attitude to life!

Detailed Information about Gastric Reduction in Turkey: 

Gastric reduction, also known as bariatric surgery, is a surgical procedure that helps individuals with obesity achieve significant weight loss. These operations have become particularly popular in Turkey, as the country offers highly qualified surgeons and modern medical facilities. Many patients consider Turkey for their gastric reduction to benefit from the combination of high-quality care and affordable prices. This page provides extensive information about the procedures, benefits, risks, and frequently asked questions regarding gastric reduction in Turkey.


Prices for Gastric Reduction

  Biliopancreatic Diversion Turkey / Antalya – Cost & Procedure Mini Gastric Bypass Turkey / Antalya – Cost & Procedure Gastric Balloon in Turkey / Antalya – Cost & Procedure Gastric Band in Turkey / Antalya – Cost & Procedure Transit Bipartition in Turkey / Antalya – Cost & Procedure Scarless Gastric Reduction SILS Method in Turkey / Antalya – Cost & Procedure
Hospital Stay 4 days 4 days 2 days 4 days 4 days 4 days
Procedure Duration 1-3 hours 1-3 hours 1 hour 1-2 hours 2-3 hours 1-3 hours
Recovery 2 days 2 days Immediate 2 days 2 days 2 days
Costs from  €5,090 €3,590 €1,990 €5,090 €5,090 €3,590

Summary of Gastric Reduction Prices and Treatment Features in Turkey

The costs for gastric reduction procedures in Turkey vary significantly depending on the chosen method. The gastric balloon treatment is the most affordable option at €1,990, requiring only a short 2-day hospital stay and allowing for immediate recovery. The most expensive options, such as biliopancreatic diversion, gastric band, and transit bipartition, each cost €5,090 and require a 4-day hospital stay with a 2-day recovery period. The mini gastric bypass and SILS method offer a good balance between cost (€3,590 each) and hospital stay (4 days), with similar treatment and recovery times. This variety of options allows patients to choose a treatment that best fits their medical needs and financial situation.

Types of Gastric Reduction

There are various types of gastric reduction procedures available, chosen based on the patient's individual needs:

Mini Gastric Bypass in Turkey – Cost & Procedure

The mini gastric bypass is a newer and increasingly popular procedure in Antalya, Turkey. It is similar to the gastric bypass in that part of the small intestine is bypassed to reduce the surface area for absorption.

Mini Gastric Bypass Turkey – Costs: from €3,590!

Mini Gastric Bypass Turkey (Omega Bypass)

The Omega Bypass is an effective alternative to standard gastric bypass surgery for many patients in Turkey. It is very similar to the Roux-en-Y gastric bypass procedure. The mini gastric bypass in Turkey helps with weight loss by restricting the amount of food consumed and affecting the gut bacteria involved in appetite control.

The mini bypass was first introduced in the late 1960s but was later abandoned. Thanks to advances in laparoscopic ("keyhole") surgery, the mini gastric bypass has become very popular again. When performed in Turkey, it offers a fast, effective, and affordable alternative to conventional gastric bypass surgery in Western countries.

Why Choose Turkey for Gastric Reduction?

  • Experienced Surgeons: Turkey has many experienced bariatric surgeons who are internationally recognized.
  • Modern Clinics: Medical facilities are equipped with state-of-the-art technology to ensure safe and effective procedures.
  • Affordable Prices: The cost of gastric reduction in Turkey is significantly lower compared to many Western countries.
  • Comprehensive Care: Many clinics offer all-inclusive packages, including pre- and post-operative care, accommodation, and transportation.

Benefits of Gastric Reduction

  • Significant weight loss leading to improved overall health.
  • Reduced risk of weight-related conditions such as type 2 diabetes, hypertension, and heart disease.
  • Improved quality of life and increased self-esteem.

Risks of Gastric Reduction

  • Surgical complications such as infections or bleeding.
  • Malnutrition due to reduced food intake.
  • Digestive changes that may cause discomfort.

Recovery After Gastric Reduction

Recovery after gastric reduction requires lifestyle and dietary adjustments. Patients must follow a special diet and attend regular medical check-ups to ensure they remain healthy and lose weight effectively.

Complications of Gastric Reduction

Side effects of gastric reduction can include:

  • Nausea due to anesthesia
  • Aversion to certain foods
  • Vomiting
  • Constipation

Success Rate of Gastric Reduction

The success rate for gastric reduction surgery is 99%, according to patient reviews of their surgery outcomes. Laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy can help patients lead a healthy life and improve their eating habits, as seen in gastric reduction reviews.

What to Expect After a Gastric Reduction Procedure?

The amount of weight a patient loses after gastric reduction surgery or sleeve gastrectomy depends on the patient's determination to follow the post-operative instructions provided by the doctor. An appropriate diet must be maintained regularly and consistently.

Additional Benefits of Sleeve Gastrectomy

Gastric reduction surgery helps patients with the following conditions:

  • Diabetes
  • High blood pressure
  • High cholesterol levels
  • Obstructive sleep apnea
  • And other conditions related to obesity.

Gastric Reduction vs. Gastric Bypass – What’s the Difference?

In gastric bypass surgery, the stomach is divided into two parts, and the smaller stomach is connected to the small intestine. The procedure can be done laparoscopically and is the preferred choice among doctors and patients.

What Foods Should I Avoid on My Sleeve Gastrectomy Diet?

Patients should avoid the following foods and drinks during their post-operative diet:

  • Carbonated beverages
  • Honey
  • Sugary foods
  • Alcohol
  • Ice cream
  • All fried foods


  • How long is the hospital stay?
    Patients typically stay in the hospital for 2-3 days, depending on the procedure and their individual recovery.
  • When can I return to work after surgery?
    Most patients can return to work after 2-4 weeks, depending on the type of work and their personal healing process.
  • What kind of diet should I follow after surgery?
    Patients usually start with liquid foods and gradually move to solid foods, focusing on a high-protein, low-calorie diet.
  • How much weight can I expect to lose?
    Weight loss varies, but many patients lose 50-70% of their excess weight within 1-2 years after surgery.
  • What is gastric reduction?
    Gastric reduction is a surgical procedure in which the size of the stomach is reduced to limit food intake and promote weight loss.
  • What types of gastric reduction are available?
    The most common types are gastric bypass, gastric sleeve, and gastric balloon.
  • Who is eligible for gastric reduction?
    It is suitable for patients with a BMI over 35 who have not achieved sufficient weight loss through diet and exercise alone.
  • How much weight can one lose through gastric reduction?
    Patients typically lose 50-70% of their excess weight within the first year after surgery.
  • How long does a gastric reduction procedure take?
    The surgery usually lasts between 1 and 3 hours, depending on the chosen method.

Our recommendation

Based on many years of experience and the numerous feedback from our customers from all over the world, "Travelassistant24" recommends the following partner organizations:


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  1. Posted by Ello34| 17.09.2024|


    Ich überlege, einen Magenballon einsetzen zu lassen und das Ganze mit einem Urlaub in der Türkei zu kombinieren. Hat jemand von euch Erfahrung damit gemacht, für diesen Eingriff in die Türkei zu reisen, insbesondere nach Istanbul oder Antalya? Wie waren eure Erfahrungen mit der Klinik und dem Erholungsprozess, während ihr in einem Resort-Hotel geblieben seid? Würdet ihr empfehlen, den Eingriff mit einem Urlaub in Istanbul oder Antalya zu verbinden, und wie habt ihr die Nachsorge organisiert, während ihr in einem Resort gewohnt habt?


    • Replied by Jonas| 17.09.2024

      Hallo, Ich bin für meinen Magenballon-Eingriff in die Türkei gereist und habe das Ganze mit einem Urlaub kombiniert, was sich insgesamt als eine fantastische Erfahrung herausgestellt hat. Ich entschied mich für Antalya, obwohl ich auch Istanbul in Betracht gezogen habe, da beide Städte für Medizintourismus bekannt sind. Letztendlich habe ich mich wegen der Resort-Hotels und der entspannteren Atmosphäre für Antalya entschieden, was ich für die Erholung ideal fand.

      Die Klinik, die ich in Antalya ausgewählt habe, war modern und professionell und hatte einen ausgezeichneten Ruf im Medizintourismus. Von dem Moment an, als ich ankam, war das Personal sehr aufmerksam und bot mir sowohl vor als auch nach dem Eingriff hervorragende Betreuung. Die Ärzte nahmen sich die Zeit, alles ausführlich zu erklären, was mir sehr geholfen hat, alle meine Bedenken zu lindern. Die Kommunikation war kein Problem, da das Klinikpersonal Englisch sprach.

      Nach dem Eingriff verbrachte ich den Großteil meiner Erholungszeit in einem Resort-Hotel. Das war ein großer Teil meiner Entscheidung für Antalya – sich am Pool entspannen zu können und leichte Spaziergänge am Strand zu machen, machte die Erholung viel einfacher. Das Resort selbst war luxuriös und ruhig, was mir half, mich auf meine Gesundheit und Genesung zu konzentrieren, ohne das Gefühl zu haben, in einer Krankenhausumgebung festzustecken. Das Hotelpersonal war sich meiner Situation bewusst und sorgte dafür, dass ich Zugang zu leichten, gesunden Mahlzeiten hatte, die den Ernährungsempfehlungen nach dem Eingriff entsprachen.

      Istanbul ist ebenfalls eine großartige Option, wenn man mehr ein Stadterlebnis sucht. Es gibt viele erstklassige Kliniken in Istanbul, und wenn du eher an Sightseeing interessiert bist, könnte dies besser zu dir passen. Da die Erholung jedoch etwas Ruhe und Erholung erfordert, fand ich persönlich die Resort-Umgebung in Antalya perfekt. Die Kombination aus der Professionalität der Klinik und der entspannten Atmosphäre des Resorts ließ die gesamte Erfahrung eher wie einen Urlaub wirken, statt wie eine medizinische Reise.

      Ein weiterer großer Grund, warum ich mich für die Türkei entschieden habe, war die deutlich geringere Kosten im Vergleich zu meinem Heimatland. Selbst mit den Ausgaben für das Resort-Hotel war es immer noch ein Bruchteil des Preises, den ich zu Hause bezahlt hätte. Außerdem war die Idee, einen notwendigen medizinischen Eingriff mit einem Urlaub zu verbinden, sehr reizvoll.

      Hinsichtlich der Nachsorge habe ich dafür gesorgt, dass ich alle notwendigen Informationen und Anweisungen von der Klinik hatte, bevor ich abreiste. Die Ärzte gaben mir Kontaktdaten für den Fall, dass nach meiner Rückkehr Probleme auftreten sollten, und ich hatte auch Nachsorgetermine per Videoanruf arrangiert. Ich würde empfehlen, mindestens eine Woche nach dem Eingriff in der Türkei zu bleiben, um sicherzustellen, dass man sich wohl fühlt und genug Zeit zur Erholung hat, bevor man zurückreist. In einem Resort-Hotel zu sein, ermöglichte es mir, mich in einer ruhigen Umgebung zu erholen, während ich trotzdem leichte Urlaubsaktivitäten genießen konnte.

      Zusammenfassend kann ich nur empfehlen, einen Magenballon-Eingriff mit einem Urlaub in der Türkei zu kombinieren, egal ob man sich für Istanbul oder Antalya entscheidet. Beide Städte bieten ausgezeichnete medizinische Einrichtungen, aber wenn man eine entspanntere Erholung bevorzugt, könnte ein Resort-Hotel in Antalya die bessere Wahl sein. Achte nur darauf, die Klinik gründlich zu recherchieren, Bewertungen zu lesen und die Nachsorge sorgfältig zu planen. Es war auf jeden Fall eine lohnende Erfahrung für mich, und ich bin froh, dass ich mich für diesen Weg entschieden habe!



  2. Posted by Frank| 17.09.2024|

    Dear All,

    I'm considering getting a gastric balloon procedure and combining it with a holiday in Turkey. Has anyone here traveled to Turkey, specifically Istanbul or Antalya, for this procedure? How was your experience with the clinic and the recovery process while staying at a resort hotel? Would you recommend combining the procedure with a holiday in Istanbul or Antalya, and how did you manage post-procedure care while staying in a resort?

    • Replied by Isac| 17.09.2024

      Hi Frank,

      I traveled to Turkey for my gastric balloon procedure and combined it with a holiday, which turned out to be a fantastic experience overall. I opted for Antalya, although I also considered Istanbul, as both cities are well-known for medical tourism. Ultimately, I chose Antalya for its resort hotels and more relaxed atmosphere, which I thought would be ideal for recovery.

      The clinic I selected in Antalya was modern and professional, with a great reputation in medical tourism. From the moment I arrived, the staff were very attentive, and they provided excellent care both before and after the procedure. The doctors took the time to explain everything in detail, which really helped ease any concerns I had. Communication wasn’t an issue, as the clinic had English-speaking staff.

      After the procedure, I spent most of my recovery time at a resort hotel. This was a big part of why I chose Antalya—being able to relax by the pool and take gentle walks on the beach made the recovery much easier. The resort itself was luxurious and peaceful, which helped me focus on my health and recovery without feeling like I was stuck in a hospital environment. The hotel staff were aware of my situation and made sure I had access to light, healthy meals that fit the post-procedure dietary recommendations.

      Istanbul is also a great option if you're looking for more of a city experience. There are many top-notch clinics in Istanbul, and if you prefer being in a city with more sightseeing options, it might be a better fit for you. However, since recovery requires some downtime and a focus on rest, I personally found Antalya's resort setting perfect. The combination of the clinic’s professionalism and the relaxing environment of the resort made the entire experience feel like a holiday rather than a medical trip.

      The cost was another big reason I chose Turkey, as it was much more affordable than getting the procedure in my home country. Even with the expense of staying at a resort hotel, it was still a fraction of the price I would have paid back home. Plus, the idea of combining a necessary medical procedure with a holiday made the decision even more appealing.

      In terms of post-procedure care, I made sure to have all the necessary information and instructions from the clinic before leaving. The doctors gave me contact information in case I had any issues after returning home, and I also had follow-up appointments arranged via video calls. I’d recommend staying in Turkey for at least a week after the procedure to ensure you’re comfortable and have enough time to rest before traveling back. Being at a resort hotel allowed me to recuperate in a calm environment while still enjoying some light holiday activities.

      In summary, I would highly recommend combining a gastric balloon procedure with a holiday in Turkey, whether you choose Istanbul or Antalya. Both cities have excellent medical facilities, but if you’re looking for a more relaxed recovery, a resort hotel in Antalya might be the better option. Just make sure to do thorough research on the clinic, read reviews, and plan your post-procedure care carefully. It was definitely a rewarding experience for me, and I’m glad I chose to do it this way!
      My Best


  3. Posted by Omar| 16.09.2024|

    I did some research and found out that Istanbul, Turkey is one of the best places to get a gastric balloon procedure. Therefore, I’m planning to travel to Istanbul for the treatment. Here’s my question: has anyone here had experience with getting a gastric balloon in Istanbul, Turkey? How was your experience with the clinic, the procedure, and the aftercare? Would you recommend it?  
    Thanks in advance!  

    • Replied by Mirelle| 16.09.2024

      Dear Omar,

      I had my gastric balloon procedure done in Istanbul, and my overall experience was very positive. Istanbul is a well-known hub for medical tourism, and the clinics there are modern and professionally equipped. The clinic I chose in Istanbul had an extremely competent team that provided excellent care both before and after the procedure.

      One of the main reasons I opted for Turkey, specifically Istanbul, was the significantly lower cost compared to my home country, even when factoring in travel expenses. There are many renowned clinics in Istanbul, so it’s important to do thorough research in advance and ensure the clinic has good reviews and proper accreditation.

      If you’re considering getting the gastric balloon in Turkey, especially in Istanbul, I would definitely recommend it. Just make sure you have a solid plan for aftercare once you return home.

  4. Posted by Tecker66| 16.09.2024|


    Ich habe mich erkundigt und ausfindig gemacht, dass man am besten in İstanbul türkei einen Magenballon eingesetzt bekommt. Deshalb plane ich für einen Magenballon nach istanbul türkei zu reisen. Hier meine frage; hat jemand von euch Erfahrungen mit dem Magenballon in Istanbul türkei gemacht? Wie war eure Erfahrung mit der Klinik, dem Eingriff und der Nachsorge? Würdet ihr es weiterempfehlen?

    Danke schonmal



    • Replied by Ahmad| 16.09.2024

      Hey Tecker,

      Ich habe meinen Magenballon-Eingriff in Istanbul machen lassen, und meine Erfahrung war insgesamt sehr positiv. Istanbul ist ein bekanntes Zentrum für Medizintourismus, und die Kliniken dort sind sehr modern und professionell ausgestattet. Die Klinik, die ich in Istanbul gewählt habe, hatte ein äußerst kompetentes Team, das mich sowohl vor als auch nach dem Eingriff hervorragend betreut hat.

      Einer der Hauptgründe, warum ich mich für die Türkei, speziell Istanbul, entschieden habe, war der deutlich günstigere Preis im Vergleich zu meinem Heimatland, sogar inklusive Reisekosten. In Istanbul gibt es viele renommierte Kliniken, weshalb es wichtig ist, im Vorfeld gut zu recherchieren und sicherzustellen, dass die Klinik gute Bewertungen hat und akkreditiert ist.

      Wenn du darüber nachdenkst, den Magenballon in der Türkei, insbesondere in Istanbul, machen zu lassen, würde ich es definitiv empfehlen. Achte aber darauf, dass du auch nach deiner Rückkehr eine gute Nachsorge organisiert hast.

  5. Posted by Jupp| 16.09.2024|

    Hat jemand von euch Erfahrungen mit dem Magenballon in der Türkei gemacht? Wie war eure Erfahrung mit dem Eingriff, der Klinik und der Nachsorge? Würdet ihr es empfehlen?

    Danke im voraus


    • Replied by Frido-78| 16.09.2024

      Ich habe meinen Magenballon-Eingriff in der Türkei, genauer gesagt in Antalya, durchführen lassen, und insgesamt war es eine sehr positive Erfahrung. Antalya ist ein beliebtes Ziel für Medizintourismus, und die Kliniken dort sind modern und gut ausgestattet. Die Klinik, die ich in Antalya gewählt habe, hatte ein erfahrenes Team, und die Betreuung vor, während und nach dem Eingriff war ausgezeichnet.

      Einer der Hauptgründe, warum ich mich für die Türkei entschieden habe, war der Preis. Der Eingriff war viel günstiger als in meinem Heimatland, selbst mit den zusätzlichen Kosten für Flug und Unterkunft. In Antalya gibt es viele angesehene Kliniken, daher ist es wichtig, vorher gut zu recherchieren. Achte darauf, eine Klinik mit guten Bewertungen und Akkreditierungen zu wählen.

      Wenn du darüber nachdenkst, den Magenballon in der Türkei, insbesondere in Antalya, machen zu lassen, würde ich es auf jeden Fall empfehlen. Es ist jedoch wichtig, dass du auch die Nachsorge gut planst, wenn du wieder zu Hause bist.



  6. Posted by Herman| 16.09.2024|

    Has anyone here had experience with getting a gastric balloon in Turkey? How was your experience with the procedure, clinic, and aftercare? Would you recommend it?

    • Replied by Mehmet| 16.09.2024

      Hi Herman, I had my gastric balloon procedure done in Turkey, specifically in Antalya and it was a great experience overall. Antalya is a popular destination for medical tourism, and I found the clinics there to be modern, with highly professional staff. The clinic I chose in Antalya had a well-experienced team, and they provided excellent care before, during, and after the procedure. 

      One of the main reasons I opted for Turkey was the cost, which was much more affordable compared to my home country, even when factoring in travel and accommodation. Turkey and especially Antalya, offers a lot of options when it comes to reputable clinics, so it’s important to do your research beforehand. Look for clinics that are accredited and have good reviews from international patients.

      If you're considering getting the gastric balloon in Turkey, especially in Antalya, I would definitely recommend it, but make sure to plan for follow-up care once you're back home.

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